all postcodes in OX11 / DIDCOT

find any address or company within the OX11 postcode district

Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX11 6DH 0 51.603708 -1.266893
OX11 6DJ 0 51.600284 -1.266244
OX11 6DL 0 51.604186 -1.26904
OX11 6DN 0 51.602686 -1.276151
OX11 6DW 1 51.60217 -1.274501
OX11 6AB 11 0 51.613571 -1.265319
OX11 6AD 5 0 51.614137 -1.265266
OX11 6AE 17 0 51.613726 -1.263298
OX11 6AF 20 0 51.61349 -1.264385
OX11 6AG 9 0 51.613024 -1.264681
OX11 6AH 15 0 51.612728 -1.263343
OX11 6AJ 17 0 51.613145 -1.263914
OX11 6AL 58 0 51.612237 -1.263434
OX11 6AN 29 0 51.613254 -1.266858
OX11 6AQ 18 0 51.613057 -1.267092
OX11 6AR 18 0 51.61336 -1.267546
OX11 6AS 62 0 51.611193 -1.266545
OX11 6AT 0 51.611714 -1.26502
OX11 6AU 0 51.611651 -1.264555
OX11 6AW 0 51.611138 -1.263542